FLM - Friends of Lake Merced
FLM stands for Friends of Lake Merced
Here you will find, what does FLM stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Friends of Lake Merced? Friends of Lake Merced can be abbreviated as FLM What does FLM stand for? FLM stands for Friends of Lake Merced. What does Friends of Lake Merced mean?Friends of Lake Merced is an expansion of FLM
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Alternative definitions of FLM
- French Liberation Movement
- French Liberation Movement
- Focused Lethality Munition
- Forest Lawn Museum
- First Look Media
- Folio Literary Management
- Food Lovers Market
View 35 other definitions of FLM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FLUSA Friends of Libraries U.S.A.
- FLP Friends of Lums Pond
- FM Friends of Malabo
- FMA Friends of Materials for the Arts
- FM Friends of Mongolia
- FMP Friends of Morses Pond
- FNS Friends of Negro Spirituals
- FNHM Friends of New Hope Manor
- FORNL Friends of ORNL
- FOOOI Friends Of Our Orphanages, Inc.
- FPHHP Friends of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park
- FRM Friends of Radio Maria
- FRP Friends of Ravenna Playground
- FRV Friends of Recovery, Vermont
- FRP Friends of Recreation and Parks
- FRRCLVNV Friends of Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, NV
- FRAD Friends of Redbird Airport of Dallas
- FRA Friends of Rwanda Association
- FSCALESMA Friends of SCALE, Somerville, MA
- FSMCTH Friends of Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer